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Component Award 2019 – Windows for the future

In recent years, excellent progress has been made with reference to the thermal quality of windows.
In order to make a significant contribution to climate protection, these further improved windows must enter the global mainstream.
To create an impetus and contribute to accelerate the uptake of windows that represent the cutting edge in terms of thermal efficiency, the Passive House Institute has conducted this award as part of the AZEB-Project, supported by the European Union.


Thermally improved windows for all


Comparison with a baseline window

Participants had to provide a certified Passive House window solution, including installation and shading.
Each window was compared by its life cycle costs and CO2 savings with a baseline window, which is standard at the participant’s location.
A specialist jury evaluated the topics innovation, practicability, and aesthetics and made the final decision regarding categories and winners.


Window manufacturers from all over the world took part in the award:
23 companies from 12 countries took part in the competition with 31 products and  variants.

The jury awarded 10 regular prizes and 4 special prizes.


Special Prize thermal protection – artic climate

The Special Prize thermal protection was awarded to the quadruple glazed ENERsign arctis from ENERsign GmbH, Germany

The jury praised the high aesthetic standard in combination with the extraordinary thermal protection, which leads to CO2 savings of 94% and the achievement of the hygiene as well as the comfort criterion - even in the arctic climate of Kiruna/Sweden.

1st Prize – cold climate

The 1st prize for the cold climate was awarded to the window PAZEN120 from Harbin Sayyas Windows, China.

The jury praised the high aesthetic standard in combination with high levels of thermal protection, which leads to CO2 savings of 88% and to the achievement of the hygiene, as well as the comfort criterion, even in the harsh climate of Harbin.

2ndst Prize – cold climate

The 2nd prize for the cold climate was awarded to the window smartwin solar by Advantage Architectural Woodworks (USA) and i2 factory (Latvia).

The jury praised the high aesthetic and innovative standard in combination with high levels of thermal protection. The narrow frame allows a very high glass fraction of 80%.

3rd Prize – cold climate

The 3rd prize for the cold climate was awarded to the window PURISTA ALPINE from OPTIWIN: Stich Consulting, Canada.

The jury praised the high standard and clean installation situation in combination with the high level of thermal protection, energy and CO2 savings.

Award ceremony in Gaobeidian, China – arctic, cold climate

1st Prize – cool, temperate climate

The 1st prize for the cool, temperate climate was awarded to ENERsign primus from ENERsign GmbH, Germany.

The jury praised the high aesthetic standard in combination with the high level of thermal protection. Favorably judged was also the aesthetically pleasing integration of the shading and its assembly in the overall concept.


2nd Prize – cool, temperate climate

The 2nd prize for the cool, temperate climate was awarded to the window TIMM C87 I –A / -H / -M + W87 –A / -H - / - M by Timm Fensterbau, installed with Blaugelb Triotherm+ by Meesenburg, Germany.

The jury praised the cost-efficient and low-maintenance shading as well as the high standard and clean installation. For Germany, the jury indicated, that a triple glazed window should have been used as baseline.

3rd Prize – cool, temperate climate

The 3rd prize for the cool, temperate climate was awarded to the window smartwin compact hpl triple by PARK Byoungyoeol, Architecture Studio Time, Human and Space, Korea.

The jury praised the high aesthetic and innovative standard in combination with high levels of thermal protection.

1st Prize Aluminium – cool, temperate climate

The 1st prize Aluminium in cool, temperate climate was awarded to Moser 115 Aluminium System Passive Window from Hebei Orient Sundar Window Co. Ltd., China.

The jury praised the high aesthetic quality of the window concept with its slim frame as well as the energy and cost efficiency of this window. Care should be taken regarding the roller shutters connection with the plaster.

2ndt Prize Aluminium – cool, temperate climate

The 2nd Prize Aluminium in cool, temperate climate was awarded to the window Pural eco90 by Beijing Wuddy Building Technology, China.

The jury praised the high aesthetic quality of the window concept, as well as its energy and cost efficiency. The jury suggested to connect the frame to the rigid EPS block of the shutter housing to avoid steel brackets and decrease the degree of thermal bridges.

Special Prize Aesthetic and Innovation – cool, temperate climate

The Special Prize Aesthetic and Innovation was awarded to the GRP window Universal Series by Cascadia Windows Ltd., Canada.

The jury praised the aesthetic and innovative qualities of this window concept, combined with very reasonable investment costs and its high energy and cost efficiency, especially compared to a relatively good baseline window.

Award ceremony in Gaobeidian, China – cool, temperate climate

1st Prize Timber Aluminium – warm, temperate climate

The 1st Prize Timber Aluminium in warm, temperate climate was awarded to smartwin compact by Daimaru Kogyo (Japan), Blumer Lehman (China) and SEDA (New Zealand).

Die Jury lobte den ästhetischen und innovativen Standard in Kombination mit einem hohen Maß an Wärmeschutz und der innovativen Beschattungslösung für diese Dämmstärke.

1st Prize Timber – warm, temperate climate

The 1st Prize Timber in warm, temperate climate was awarded to ZEN by Eurofinestra s.a.s., Italy.

The jury praised the highly innovative and aesthetic qualities of the window and shading concept. The jury underlined the exemplary life-cycle-cost savings in the warm, temperate climate zone, even then compared to a very high quality baseline window.

Special Prize Economy – warm, temperate climate

The Special Prize Economy was awarded to NatureLine90 passive by ThermaDura, New Zealand.

The jury outlined the high quality of craftsmanship and practicability of window and window installation. Compared to a traditional, poor quality New Zealand wooden window, NatureLine has lower investment costs.

Special Prize Shading & Installation – warm, temperate climate

The Special Prize Shading & Installation was awarded to Rocky 110is by Qingdao Rocky Window Co., Ltd., China.

The jury praised both the innovative shading concept, where the blind is protected by a 4th pane, and the installation partially in the construction layer by a combination of wood blocks and highly insulating resolic foam for both, low level of thermal bridges as well as easy and fast application.

Award ceremony in Gaobeidian, China – cool, temperate climate

Award ceremony

The winner were announced at the 23rd International Passive House Conference on 9 - 11 October 2019 in Gaobeidian, China

2019 Conference proceeding Component Award ( pdf)
Documentation Component Award ( pdf)
Invitation Component Award ( pdf)


Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Krick,
Passive House Institute
Rheinstraße 44|46
64283 Darmstadt
Tel. +49 6151 82699-12,

The Component Award 2019 is part of the EU-funded project AZEB.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 754174


The sole responsibility for the content of this [webpage, publication etc.] lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the
European Union. Neither the EACI nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.


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