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Refurbishment with Passive House components

Very substantial energy savings are possible with refurbishments of existing buildings. The main focus is on the following aspects:

These are the same measures that have also proved successful in new constructions. A large number of examples of retrofits demonstrating the use of highly efficient technology in existing buildings have been carried out. Energy savings between 75% and 90% have been achieved; however, due to the thermal bridges that still remain after refurbishment of existing buildings, achieving the Passive House standard is not always a realistic goal. The Passive House Institute has therefore developed the "EnerPHit – certified refurbishment using Passive House components" certification procedure for such buildings. The Passive House Institute provides consultation services for refurbishment projects and carries out measurements in refurbished buildings.


The following publications will help you to benefit from the experiences gained with refurbishments of existing buildings:

Basic principles, and buildings in which exterior insulation is possible:
Refurbishment with Passive House components
(Protocol Volume 24 of the Research Group for Cost-effective Passive Houses - in German)

Buildings which cannot be insulated on the outside:
Factor 4 for sensitive retrofits: Passive House components + interior insulation
(Protocol Volume 32 of the Research Group for Cost-effective Passive Houses - in German)

Buildings in which individual building components are renewed so that an acceptable intermediate state results in terms of buildings physics, even without a complete refurbishment of the building:
Step-by-step refurbishment with Passive House components
(Protocol Volume 39 of the Research Group for Cost-effective Passive Houses - in German)

Making existing buildings fit for the future using Passive House components:
EnerPHit-Planners Handbook (in German)

Existing building refurbishment projects involving the PHI:

Modernisation to the Passive House standard
Frankfurt a. M.
Modernisation to the Passive House standard
Existing building -
3-litre house
Modernisation to the Passive House standard
Interior insulation plus Passive House components



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Press releases

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Research & Literature

Passive Houses for different climate zones

Retrofits with Passive House components -
EnerPHit Planner Handbook
(in German)


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Overview of contents
(in German)

PHI Literature

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