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Component Award 2018

In 2018 for the second time running the Component Award was awarded for ventilation solutions for residential buildings.

The housing sector is once again experiencing steady growth after years of stagnation. The current Component Award was concentrated on cost-effective ventilation solutions for new residential constructions.

A multi-storey building consisting of differently sized apartments with living areas between 50 and 100 m² was to be equipped with an overall ventilation system. We were looking for solutions with both low investment costs and a high level of energy efficiency.


Award Winners:

The winners were awarded and presented at the 22nd International Passive House Conference 2018 in Munich.

Press release:

Affordable ventilation for everyone – The International Passive House Conference is the established meeting place for experts in energy efficient construction and retrofitting. This year, the International Passive House Conference took place in Munich. There, the Passive House Institute awarded the Component Award 2018 for new ventilation concepts which are particularly cost-effective and can therefore also be used in social housing. The European Union sponsored the Component Award 2018 as part of its Affordable Zero Energy Buildings (AZEB) project.
more ( pdf)


Component Award 2018 – summary

Ventilationkonzepts for residential buildings ( pdf)

The Component Award 2018 was part of the EU-funded project AZEB.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 754174


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