Other Passive House components (not certified)
Building envelope
- Transparent thermal insulation
- Airtightness
- Foam glass granulate
- "Cat flap" (doors for pets)
- Water saving fittings
- Lock cylinder
Other technical systems
Building envelope
Transparent thermal insulation
Fraunhofer Institut für solare Energiesysteme, Oltmannstr. 5, D-79100 Freiburg
Tel. 0049(0)761 / 4588-133
Fax. 0049(0761 / 4588-132
Materials for creating airtight layers (addresses of manufacturers):
Fachverband Luftdichtheit im Bauwesen FLiB e.V.l
Tel. +49 (0)30 / 6392-5394
A list of companies that carry out airtightness measurements can be obtained from:
Fachverband Luftdichtheit im Bauwesen FLiB e.V., Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 10, D-34131 Kassel
Tel. 0049(0)561 / 93897-0
Fax. 0049(0)561 / 93897-11
Smoke and heat extraction systems (SHE) for elevator shafts:
BTR Brandschutz-Technik und Rauchabzug GmbH, D-22525 Hamburg
Tel. 0049(0)40 /89 71 20-0
Fax 0049(0)40 / 89 71 20-20
D+H Mechatronic AG, D-22949 Ammersbek
Tel. 0049(0)40 / 605 65-0
Fax: 0049(0)40 / 605 65-222
Supply air duct inspection:
eco Luftqualität + Raumklima, Sachsenring 69, D-50677 Köln
Tel. 0049(0)211 / 93194-0
Tel. 0049(0)211 / 93194-11
RETEN-Wassertechnik (TV-Untersuchungen), Höhenstr. 23, D-65520 Bad Camberg 5
Use of foam glass granulate in the construction of Passive Houses
Generally, building authority approval for the insulation materials used, or approval in the individual case is necessary. The values given in the approval should be used for mathematical verification of the thermal protection. The thermal conductivity depends on the moisture or water content of the foam glass granulate and on its compression ratio, among other things. For certification as a “Certified Passive House” in accordance with the criteria laid down by the Passive House Institute and the Passivhaus Dienstleistung GmbH (Passive House services), the following rules have been set:
If laying of foam glass granulate takes place in such a manner that moisture penetration as well as backwater and seepage is prevented, then the thermal conductivity of λ10,dry for the dry insulation material as given in DIN EN 12667 or DIN EN 12939 can be used. The compression ratio should be given for calculating the thermal conductivity.
Proof of installation in a moisture-prevented manner must be provided by the applicant, therefore plausible evidence that moisture penetration of the foam glass granulate has been prevented is expected in the form of detail drawings showing the installation situation of the foam glass granulate and information about the maximum ground water levels that can be expected.
TECHNOpor Österreich
Magnesitstraße 1, A-3500 Krems an der Donau
Austria - Europe
Tel. 0043(0) 27 32 / 94 101 - 10
Fax 0043(0) 27 32 / 87 470 - 52
MISAPOR Deutschland
Geschäftsstelle Deutschland
Schroteln 4, D-78073 Bad Dürrheim
Tel. 0049(0)7726 / 378-888-0
Fax 0049(0)7726 / 378-888-10
Schaumglas Deutschland GmbH
Talstrasse 3, D-08606 Oelsnitz
Tel. 0049(0)37421/ 20782
Fax 0049(0)37421/ 26640
millcell GmbH
Truderingerhof | Kirchtruderingerstrasse 25, 81829 München
Tel 0049(0)89 / 4626 179-0
Fax 0049(0)89 / 4626 179-10
"Cat flap" (doors for pets)
(According to manufacturer available as "passive house variant")
Petwalk Solutions GmbH & Co KG
Josef Huber Straße 6, A-2620 Ternitz
Email: office@petwalk.at
Tel.: +43 (0)2635 66937
Water saving fittings
Swiss Eco Line AG
Zürichbergstrasse 80
8044 Zürich
Tel.: +41 (0)44 268 44 90
Email: info@swissecotap.com
Lock cylinder
dormakaba Deutschland GmbH
DORMA Platz 1
58256 Ennepetal
Tel.: +49 2333 793-0
Fax +49 2333 793-4950
Email: Schließtechnik.de@dormakaba.com
Other technical systems
Solar technology / Rainwater utilisation
Solar-Info-Zentrum SIZ GmbH, Solarparkstraße 1, 67435 Neustadt/Weinstraße
Tel. 06327 / 9 78 680
Fax. 06327 / 9 78 68111
Solarprojekt Energiesysteme GmbH, Am Bläsiberg 13 - 16, D-88250 Weingarten
(Kompaktheizzentrale f. Passivhäuser auf Holzpellet-Basis)
Tel. 0049(0751 / 56033-0
Fax. 0049(0751 / 56033-77
SOLVIS GmbH & Co. KG, Marienberger Str. 1, D-38122 Braunschweig, Helmut Jäger
Tel. 0049(0)531/ 2890-40
Fax. 0049(0)531 / 2890-411
Wagner & Co Solartechnik GmbH, Ringstr. 14, D-35091 Cölbe/Marburg
Tel. 0049(0)6421 / 8007-0
Fax. 0049(0)6421 / 8007-37
Austroflamm-Platz 1
Tel: +43-7249-46443-0
Fax: +43-7249-46636
Email: info@austroflamm.com
beefire - Feuerträume ohne Schornstein
Peter-Joseph-Lenné-Str. 45
54296 Trier
Telefon: 0651 / 91 20 454
Fax: 0651 / 91 20 456
Email: info(@)beefire.de
Olsberg GmbH
Hüttenstraße 38
D-59939 Olsberg
Telefon: +49 (0)2962 / 805 - 0
Telefax: +49 (0)2962 / 805 - 180
Email: info@olsberg.com
Thomas Widmer GmbH
Rentamtstraße 11
88356 Ostrach
Tel.: +49 07585 2692
Email: info[at]widmer-ofenbau.de
wodtke GmbH
Rittweg 55-57
D - 72070 Tübingen-Hirschau
Fon: +49 7071 7003-0
Fax: +49 7071 7003-50
Email: info@wodtke.com
Internet: www.wodtke.com
5 KW: https://www.wodtke.com/produkte-loesungen/kaminofen/porto.html
5 KW: https://www.wodtke.com/produkte-loesungen/kaminofen/centro.html
6 KW: https://www.wodtke.com/produkte-loesungen/kaminofen/casa.html
Pellet: https://www.wodtke.com/produkte-loesungen/pelletofen/familynrg-selection.html
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