districtPH – Assessing energy-saving potentials at the district level!
districtPH is used to create energy balances for neighborhoods, from smaller groups of buildings up to whole districts. A specific strength of the tool is the ability to investigate the effects that different scenarios of development and retrofitting have for the building stock. The analysis takes into account grids for electricity and heat, renewable energies, electromobility and public consumers. |
districtPH assists with questions on appropriate energy supply options and the design of reasonable retrofit subsidies. Furthermore, it provides advice on how a district may become a zero-energy district and how much energy may be exported from the district in a certain situation.
Buildings’ energy balances
Other energy flows
System requirements
A report describing the methodology of districtPH and explaining an example application can be downloaded here. For further information please contact districtph@passiv.de
districtPH was developed within the EU-funded Sinfonia project.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 609019. |
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