Certified Passive House Tradesperson
The Passive House is much more than the sum of its parts. In order to avoid mistakes during construction, it is necessary to be aware of the interrelationships and interdependences of the components required in a Passive House. It should be possible to assess any changes and deviations from the planned work in terms of energy efficiency, as this may influence proper functioning of the building significantly.
Substantiated expertise for the construction of Passive Houses is imparted to skilled Tradesperson within the framework of further training courses. The aim of the “Certified Passive House Tradesperson” Course is to convey an overall impression of the Passive House concept to the specialists involved in construction in an interdisciplinary approach and within a reasonable time frame. After successful completion of the examination, the participant will beawarded the “Certified Passive House Tradespeson” Certificate and included
in the List of “Certified Passive House Tradesperson”, which ensures that all
those involved in construction can access information about qualified trades
companies at any time.
The Passive House is the building standard of the future
For many years Passive Houses have proved successful both as new constructions and as refurbishments. From 2021, all new buildings must meet the provisions of the “Nearly Zero Energy Building” (NZEB) in accordance with the EU Buildings Directive (EPBD). The Passive House is the basis for this.
Skilled trades companies that have experience with Passive Houses will be able to benefit from the new business opportunities that are thus provided.
More information regarding certified Passive House Tradesperson can be found here
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7 - 9 November 2025
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Passive House
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Passive House Classes,
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EnerPHit -
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Wall plaque
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Passive Houses for different climate zones
Retrofits with Passive House components -
EnerPHit Planner Handbook
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Passive House Retail Stores now out
Overview of contents
(in German)