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  • Permanence of airtightness concepts in Passive Houses, field measurements (IEA Task 28 "Sustainable Solar Housing"), German only
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  • "Integrating wood beams into the airtight layer" - A study on airthight connections involving wooden beams that pass through the airtight layer of a building, especially in retrofit projects. The airtightness of OSB boards and their applicability as an airtight layer was also analysed. This study took place within the framework of "3EnCult" (Efficient Energy for EU Cultural Heritage), an EU-funded research project.
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  • "Airtightness measurement of high-rise buildings" Due to the strong wind and thermal effects on high-rise buildings, special rules must be observed for blower door measurements. The standards, EN 13829 and ISO 9972, do not provide sufficient information for the blower door measurement of such buildings. Depending on the height of the building, pressure differences occur, which are not negligible for the measurement. The requirement of the PH standard to not exceed a deviation of the pressure difference of 10% within the building envelope at any point, can no longer be met. This publication presents practical tips for the measurement of high-rises.

Further technical literature on this topic is available for purchase here.


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