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  • Windows in a step-by-step retrofit – In practice, windows and façades are rarely retrofitted at the same time, even though doing so would save costs, reduce thermal bridges and optimise solar gains. There are many reasons why retrofits are done in a step-by-step manner. Ideally, windows and façades should always be retrofitted simultaneously whenever possible. If this is not the case, the following tips can help.
    Download ( pdf 2,52 MB)

  • Hochwärmedämmende Fenstersysteme: Untersuchung und Optimierung im eingebauten Zustand
    Anhang zum Teilbericht A (Bauphysikalische Untersuchungen und Optimierung des Baukörperanschlusses), German only
    Download ( pdf 3,54 MB)

Further technical literature on this topic is available for purchase here.



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