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New builds / Non-residential buildings


  • Passive House Quality, Police Administrative Building – July 2017, short version
    As an overall evaluation, it can be stated that a functioning energy-efficient administrative building was realised, in which a high level of comfort has been verified. This was achieved with very low energy use on account of the extremely high quality building envelope and adapted building technology. The appropriateness of monitoring was again evident from the potential for improvement that was still available. The Passive House Standard once more has proven to be an easily implementable and practicable standard. It offers an excellent tried and tested solution for future building requirements, today.
    Søren Peper, Wolfgang Hasper, Dr. Oliver Ottinger, In collaboration with: Tim Huyeng, Florian Gressier

    This report was commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Energy,
    Transport and Regional Development in Hesse, Ref. I 7 Energy Efficiency, Energy Consultancy.
    Download short version ( pdf 1.35 MB) ( Download German Version ( pdf 9.4 MB)

  • Passive House school in Riedberg (Frankfurt, Germany), German only
    Overview of contents

  • Passive House factory building by SurTec (Zwingenberg / Bergstraße, Germany), German only
    Overview of contents

  • Guide for  energy-efficient educational buildings
    Overview of contents

Further technical literature on this topic is available for purchase here.


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