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bim2PH – the new connection between BIM and PHPP

Export your BIM model into PHPP!

bim2PH is the new BIM Tool developed by the Passive House Institute, which aims to allow data entry in 3D BIM software and transfer information for the energy balance calculation and efficiency design into the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP). Based on the IFC format as data interchange format, a platform independent interface concept has been developed.

Using the IFC format

The IFC file can store geometry data and object properties from different domains of expertise, including efficiency properties required for the PHPP calculation. By converting the IFC files into the import / export format of the PHPP, the relevant information of the building models can be transferred from 3D models in bim2PH into the excel worksheets of PHPP.

The bim2PH converter created within the Built2Spec European project is currently compatible with IFC2x3 and IFC4.

Working with project templates

The strength of the IFC format is its common structure, despite the various BIM software that are used in practise to create a building model, even though the converter had to be optimized for each BIM platform. The main challenge, however, is that fact, that neither BIM platforms offer the whole range of efficiency parameters required for a reliable energy balance calculation, nor are many of these parameters available as IFC entities in the IFC files. Thereby, the concept bim2PH converter concept is working with project templates on the BIM side, in order to include missing energy efficiency properties to building models.

These project templates could be provided for 4 BIM tools:

• Revit 2017
• Archicad 20
• Vectorworks 2018
• Rhinoceros 6 + VisualARQ v.2.1.050

These PH templates can be applied to either new models or existing BIM models.

The bim2PH converter tool

In the BIM platforms, building models have to be enhanced with these custom properties for areas or components, in order to complete the efficiency information required by PHPP. The bim2PH converter can then interpret the IFC files saved from these models, identify and extract geometry information, standard parameters and the custom parameters added by the PH templates. The bim2PH converter also offers a BIM viewer, a U-value editor and filter options to select or deselect objects to be exported to PHPP.

The converter is available for Microsoft Windows and works for both, PHPP in SI and IP units.

Exported PHPP entry data

The bim2PH converter can then identify and extract the following parameters into the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP):

The bim2PH converter exploits the IFC potential to delete redundancy during the data transfer phase, reducing the amount of work of professionals and minimize human mistakes. It thereby facilitates the design and certification of low energy buildings, NZEBs and Passive Houses by allowing the direct transfer of the building models from BIM tools into the efficiency design tool PHPP. With the uptake of BIM among design and construction professionals, this bim2PH concept will also further promote the application of reliable efficiency design and quality assurance concepts.

Online order

bim2PH online ordering

Orders are possible via the online store


bim2PH was developed within the EU-funded Built2Spec project..

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 637221.



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