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The Passive House Institute (PHI) is an independent research institute that has played an especially crucial role
in the development of the Passive House concept - the only internationally recognised, performance-based energy standard in construction. Learn more about the Institute and its work.

  • Renovating with Passive House components

    Why EnerPHit standard? This new brochure summarises the approach to energy-efficient refurbishment in a compact format. It also explains why airtightness is so important. Brochure

  • Amazed by the new indoor climate!

    A detached house is being refurbished with Passive House components. Energy consultants and private individuals during the "Passive House on Tour" kick-off had the opportunity to take a look at the building for themselves and learn more about the individual steps of the energy-efficient refurbishment. There was a great deal of interest. Press Release

  • New Decision Support Tool

    The web-based tool developped within the framework of the EU project outPHit provides guidance on energy-efficient renovation, allowing for a comparison of various retrofit concepts as they apply to the building in question. The Decision Support Tool is available in English, free of charge. Press Release

  • Simply impressed!

    He could never have imagined that the living comfort would be so great, reports the building family at "Sanieren mit Köpfchen" / "Renovation with brains". The difference to the unrenovated state is "unbelievable". The ventilation system with heat recovery also contributes to this. The pipes for the ventilation system run mainly along the former chimney shaft and will be cladded in cosy panelling. Passipedia: Ventilation


Press Releases


Retrofit. Have an impact.

The 27th International Passive House Conference will be held in April 2024 in Innsbruck in Austria! The focal theme of the conference will be "Retrofit. Have an impact." In order to effectively bring the building sector on course towards climate protection, reliable energy retrofits are indispensable. The conference will take place at the University of Innsbruck. The Call for Papers is open until the beginning of September 2023. more


© Passive House Institute

There's no way around efficiency!

As the host of the 26th International Passive House Conference, the Passive House Institute is looking forward to welcoming participants in Wiesbaden, Germany. With the focus "Efficiency NOW!", the research institute emphasizes that there is no alternative to making buildings more energy efficient as quickly as possible. The renovation of existing buildings, in particular, offers great potential for climate protection. The conference will take place from 10 to 12 March 2023, the conference programme is available online, and the ticket shop is open. The specialists' exhibition for Passive House components, which is accessible to everyone free of charge, is also a part of the conference. Online participation in the conference is also possible. more

© Passive House Institute

Emulation highly recommended

The EU-funded project SINFONIA has enabled comprehensive energy retrofits to be carried out in Innsbruck in Austria and Bozen in Italy. The heating energy savings are substantial, with an average of 77 per-cent saved in the projects in Innsbruck. At the same time, the building retrofits now offer significantly greater thermal comfort. SINFONIA has thus provided proof of the enormous potential of deep retrofits for saving energy and protecting the climate. These insights will be transferred to other cities in Europe. The Passive House Institute presented 13 certificates in Inns-bruck confirming the high level of energy efficiency of the retrofitted projects. more

Picture above: Klinikum Frankfurt Höchst
Picture small: Passive House Institute

Hospital 3.0: modern and energy-efficient

This modern and climate-friendly hospital in Germany truly is part of a new generation. The new building of the Klinikum Frankfurt Höchst has been successfully implemented to meet the Passive House standard. This makes it the first hospital in the world to receive a Passive House certificate. The Minister of Economic Affairs praised the building for its energy-efficient performance which far surpasses the statutory requirements. The Passive House Institute had previously prepared a baseline study for this pilot project on behalf of the state government of Hesse. The research institute accompanied the new build. more

Picture above: Bibb / Rothbrust
Picture small: Passive House Institute

"A Passive House Masterpiece"

This campus sets new standards: trainees acquire skills in modern workshops in a highly climate-friendly building. In a first for Germany, the Chamber of Crafts of the city of Trier has built its new training centre to the Passive House standard. It has now been awarded the Passive House certificate. The state prime minister commended this highly efficient new build a "Passive House Masterpiece". The campus has drawn attention nationwide. more

Picture / graphic: Passive House Institute

Let's save fossil energy! NOW!

The call of the hour is to save fossil energy. To achieve this goal quickly, the Passive House Institute has started the #EfficiencyNOW campaign. The research institute explains how each one of us can contribute towards becoming more independent of fossil energy, and ultimately phasing it out altogether. On Passipedia, the Institute provides guidelines on how to go about this. more

Picture above: Pixabay
Picture small: Peter Cook

Happy Birthday, Passive House!

Passive House is celebrating its 30th birthday this year! Starting as an experiment, great credit can be given to this pioneering project by Professor Wolfgang Feist: at a time when only very few people thought about climate protection, it paved the way for energy efficiency in buildings. Today, the Passive House Standard has been implemented throughout the world and shines particularly brightly in beacon projects globally. More reasons for celebrating: the 25th anniversary of the Passive House Institute and the jubilee edition of the International Passive House Conference. more

Graphic/Picture: Passive House Institute

Course of action: Passive House

The Passive House Institute has announced the Passive House Award 2021 which highlights pioneering projects of energy efficient construction. Special consideration will be given to the renewable energy supply of the buildings by an international panel of judges. Quality assurance of the building through certification is a prerequisite for participation in the Passive House Award 2021. The award will be presented during the 25th International Passive House Conference in September which will be held in Wuppertal and online. more

Graphics: iPHA

Efficiency: The first renewable energy

The International Passive House Association and its partner organisations launch the global "Efficiency: The First Renewable Energy" campaign today. Using the hashtag #EfficiencyFirst, the campaign aims to raise awareness for the vital role energy efficiency in buildings plays in meeting our climate goals. The campaign also demon-strates that energy efficient buildings provide a comfortable, healthy and sustainable built environment. The launch includes a competition for social media followers. more

Graphic: Passive House Institute
Photo small: Thomas Spooren

The key to a healthy climate

The 25th International Passive House Conference will take place from September 10-11th in Wuppertal, Germany, under the patronage of Andreas Pinkwart, North Rhine Westphalia's State Minister for Economic Affairs. Only buildings with a low energy demand for heating and cooling will put us on the path to efficient climate protection. By reducing the energy demand, we can ensure that our building stock's energy needs can be fully met by renewable energy sources, long term and at large scale. Encompassing this idea is this year's International Passive House Conference and complementary exhibition, which bare the motto "Passive House - The key to sustainable buildings!". more

Rendering: Degelo Architects
Photo small: Passive House Institute

Pointing the way – then and now

Construction of the first Passive House in the world started 30 years ago in Darmstadt, Germany. The building physicist Wolfgang Feist had developed the Passive House standard prior to this. In the autumn of 1990, he started putting theory into practice with the construction of the private terraced housing complex. Since then, countless buildings have been built to the climate-friendly Passive House standard around the globe. Current projects and research findings will be presented at the 24th International Passive House Conference from 20 September until 8 October 2020. The Passive House Institute presents ten reasons for attending the online conference. more

Photo above: Klinikum Frankfurt Höchst
Photo small: Passive House Institute

Hospital a step closer to certification

The world's first Passive House hospital, currently being built in Frankfurt, Germany, is a step closer to certification: an airtightness test for the building, which spans 78,000 square metres of gross floor area, was extremely successful. The Passive House Institute in Darmstadt has been consulting on this pilot project right from the start, including the initial planning phase. It has now been tasked with the certification of the project. A baseline study on the implementation of the Passive House standard in hospitals was carried out in advance by the Passive House Institute on behalf of the German Federal State of Hesse. more

Photos above: Tiergarten Nürnberg, Montage: PHI
Photo small: Astrid Eckert

Even zoos can be built sustainably!

Registration is now open for the 24th International Passive House Conference with the focal theme "Passive House – Building the future – Sustainably!" The renowned climate scientist Professor Stefan Rahmstorf will give a speech during the opening plenary of the conference, which will begin on 20 September 2020 and is being offered as an online event for the first time. Over the subsequent three weeks, expert talks will be held online two days per week. The conference will come to a close on 8 October 2020. The detailed conference programme is available on the conference website now; the early bird discount will apply until
10 August 2020. more

Photo big: Rangate
Photo small: Passive House Institute

Congratulations for the 1000th certificate

Another success story from the world of energy efficient construction and renovation: the Passive House Institute has recently issued the 1000th certificate for a Passive House component. There is a great range of quality approved building components now available, and many manufacturers have recognised the potential of certified components for energy efficient buildings. Things looked completely different almost thirty years ago when the first Passive House building in the world was being constructed: the building owners had to specially commission the triple-glazing units and the matching windows from a skeptical carpenter. more

Photo big: Peter Cook
Photo small: Passive House Institute

"We can still do it!"

Professor Wolfgang Feist opened with a clear message: "We can still halt the climate crisis. To do so, we need to make the right decisions now and then act upon them." The founder of the Passive House Institute also highlighted the parallels between the COVID-19 and the climate crises. In addition, Feist explained how improved energy efficiency in buildings and a significant change in the areas of mobility and energy could limit the extent of dangerous climate change. "Business as usual is not an option." more

Photo big: Andrea Kroth/Passive House Institute
Photo small: Pixabay

New first for International Passive House Conference

The 24th International Passive House Conference, planned to take place in Berlin in September this year, will now be offered as a comprehensive online conference. Presentations, workshops, the specialists’ exhibition and building tours that have always been a part of the annual Passive House Conference will remain in the programme. Virtual networking between participants will also be a highlight. more

Photo big: Neue Heimat Tirol
Photo small: Passive House Institute

The effort is definitely worth it!

Low operational costs for heating and electricity and a high standard of living comfort are possible at the same time: the latest session of the Research Group for cost-effective Passive Houses addressed the issue of social housing and how it can be implemented in a cost-effective and energy efficient manner. During an associated excursion, many participants visited the PassivhausSozialPlus in Darmstadt which is a nationwide model project for social housing. more

Photo big: Metropole Rouen, architect Ferrier Marchetti Studio
Photo small: Passive House Institute

Passive House buildings lead the way

The Passive House Institute in Darmstadt has announced the Passive House Award 2020 to reward pioneering projects in the field of energy efficient construction. A special focus of the competition will be on integrated renewable energy supply. An international jury panel will select the award winners. The award ceremony will take place during the 24th International Passive House Conference in Berlin. more

Photo big: Andrea Kroth
Photo small: Passive House Institute

Better homes with less energy

Saving energy is comparatively easy in the case of buildings: these can be built so that they will not use much energy in the first place. If renewable energy is added to the mix, then sustainability is optimally implemented: "Building the future – sustainably!", this is the focal theme of the 24th International Passive House Conference 2020 in Berlin. The German Federal Ministry of Economics has assumed patronage for the conference. The call for papers has begun. more

Photos: Passive House Institute

"1.5 degrees are still possible!"

All the keynote speakers at the 23rd International Passive House Conference in Gaobeidian unanimously agreed that putting "energy-efficiency first" was necessary to achieve the climate objectives of the Paris Agreement. For the first time, the Passive House Institute held its annual Conference in China and was a complete success. At the close of the Conference, the Institute in Darmstadt announced the "2020 Passive House Award"; the award ceremony for this architecture prize will take place in Berlin. more

Photo above: Augsburger Holzhaus
Photo small: Lebensraum Holz

Climate protection combined with comfort

More climate protection in the building section is also one of the demands made by the climate activists of Fridays for Future. Extremely energy efficient buildings are part of the solution for more climate protection. Visitors will soon be able to experience first-hand, how little energy is actually required in Passive House buildings: Passive House residents around the world will be inviting the public into their homes during the Passive House Open Days from 8 till 10 November 2019. more

Photo above: MPREIS; K. Auer
Photo small: G. Balasuriya

A new addition: energy efficiency!

The two buildings are used completely differently, but they have one important thing in common: both buildings have achieved the EnerPHit standard after an energy retrofit. The Passive House Institute recently presented the certificate for the EnerPHit retrofit of a supermarket in the Austrian town of Prutz. About 7800 kilometres away, a clothing factory in Sri Lanka also received a certificate for a successful energy efficient modernisation. This pilot project in the tropical climate will be presented in October at the 23rd International Passive House Conference in China. more

Photo above: Passive House Institute
Photo small: Windoor City

China aims for high energy efficiency

China is building on a vast scale. This fact becomes apparent in Gaobeidian, a city about a hundred kilometres south of the capital, Beijing. Here, the Passive House district Bahnstadt with over 20 high-rise buildings and many multi-family houses is currently under construction. This is where the Passive House Institute, together with its partners, is inviting everyone to attend the 23rd International Passive House Conference. The theme: "Passive House worldwide". The Conference Programme is online, registration is now possible. The Passive House Institute offers a service webinar for questions regarding the conference. more

Photos: Passive House Institute

"Time to think of the national economy"

The measuring device showed more than 84 decibels! It was clear that the story about the improvised Blower-Door test in Kazakhstan was the winner of the first-ever Passive House Slam at the Passive House Conference in Heidelberg. The mayor of Walldorf received the most applause during an earlier panel discussion. Mayor Christiane Staab demanded that for climate protection and society in general it was necessary to think in terms of the national economy rather than business economics. At the conclusion, Dr Wolfgang Feist invited the participants to the 23rd International Passive House Conference in China in October. He also revealed the city that will host the 2020 Conference. more

Photo above: PHI
Photo small: Pixabay

Plenty of steam around extractors

In a new study, the Passive House Institute focuses on systems for vapour extractors, with the research report also resulting in a handbook for extractor hoods in Passive House buildings. This contains the key principles for a compatible system and its dimensioning. The study is now available as a free download. Research findings will be presented during the 23rd International Passive House Conference in China in autumn 2019. more

Photos: Passive House Institute

Heidelberg is already building better

Heidelberg doesn't only have a beautiful historic city centre, it also boasts new urban areas that are worth seeing. The Bahnstadt in particular is striking: it is the largest Passive House district in the world. This makes Heidelberg an ideal venue for the Passive House conference "Achieve Better Buildings!". Besides expert talks and practical workshops, the Passive House Institute will also offer many new features in Heidelberg. In addition, there will be special offers for participating municipalities and housing associations. more

Photos: Passive House Institute

Swimming with a clear conscience

Swimming pools constructed to the highly energy efficient Passive House Standard can help relieve the burden on municipalities significantly in the long term. This is demonstrated by two Passive House indoor swimming pools in Bamberg and Lünen (Germany), for which the Passive House Institute provided consultancy services. The Passive House Institute evaluated the pilot projects and has published recommendations in a free handbook for planning of energy efficient pools. The handbook is also helpful for optimised operation of already existing pools. more

Photo above: Lebensraum Holz: Photo small: PHI

Welcome to Passive House!

Simply walking into other people's homes? That is exactly what everyone can do during the International Passive House Open Days. Residents of Passive House buildings will open their doors to visitors during this annual open days event. They invite them to experience the high levels of comfort and energy efficiency for themselves. Welcome to Passive House! This year the International Passive House Open Days will take place from 9th to 11th November. more

Photo: Longfor

China commits to climate protection

The largest Passive House residential district in the world is currently under construction in the Chinese city of Gaobeidian. Joined by other success stories such as "Bolueta" in the Spanish city of Bilbao, home of the world's tallest Passive House high-rise building, and the first certified Passive House hospital being built in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The 23rd International Passive House Conference will reflect this global upswing in energy efficient construction. The organisers of the 2019 Conference invite all Passive House enthusiasts to join them in China. The call for papers is now open until December. more

Photo above: Varquitectos
Photo small: PHI

High-rise Bolueta ranks first

The developers and architects had set very high goals. With the Bolueta building they wanted to set a new Passive House record and at the same time ensure the quality of the building through certification. The project participants have successfully achieved both objectives. With a height of 88 metres, Bolueta in the Spanish city of Bilbao is now the tallest Passive House building in the world. The recently issued certificate is proof of its highly energy efficient Passive House Standard construction. more

Photo above: PHI
Photo small: Pixabay

Passive Houses: cooler inside during summer heat!

On hot summer days, Passive House buildings can be noticeably cooler than conventional buildings. The excellent level of thermal insulation keeps the heat out, coupled with effective strategies such as "passive night cooling" ensure comfort in the summer months. Providing proof of a pleasant indoor climate in summer is also one of the requirements for quality assurance for Passive House certification. "Numerous practical examples in different climate zones very clearly show that Passive House buildings have a pleasant and cool indoor climate during heat waves. However, professional planning is crucial for this", says Zeno Bastian of the Passive House Institute. more

Photo below: PHI

"There's no alternative to Passive House!"

The speakers in the packed hall in Munich were unanimously clear on one thing: that the increase in construction costs in recent years was not caused by energy efficiency; instead, other parameters were responsible. In line with the theme of the 22nd International Passive House Conference "Passive House – it's worth it!" numerous speakers drew attention to the economic feasibility and affordability of energy efficient construction and retrofitting. Tthe 23rd International Passive House Conference in 2019 will be held in China. more

Photo above: Longfor
Photo small: PHI

Passive House Conference in 2019 in China

The next International Passive House Conference is to be held in China. Energy efficient construction and retrofitting experts will convene in the Chinese city of Gaobeidian. This will be the first time that the renowned Conference will be held outside of Europe. "We are aware that this decision may be surprising to some. However, it is in China where the most construction activities are currently taking place," explains Professor Wolfgang Feist. In addition, in Heidelberg, Germany, the "Achieve better buildings" Conference will take place next year. more

Photos: Klinikum Frankfurt Hoechst

Passive House hospital progressing

The world's first hospital designed to the Passive House Standard is currently under construction in the Frankfurt district of Hoechst. The hospital's building shell has already been completed, now the interior finishing is underway. The construction of this highly energy efficient hospital should be completed by next year. The Passive House Institute in Darmstadt has been advising on the project since the design phase and will continue with its consultancy services throughout the entire duration of construction work. more

Photos: Jakob Kanzleiter

Munich shows its efficient side

Munich has many great examples of climate-friendly construction projects and residential districts. These projects are setting new energy efficiency and community life standards at affordable prices! The 22nd Passive House Conference in Munich will provide insights into these unique and surprising residential projects. The main topic of the upcoming conference "Passive House – it's worth it", puts a special focus on aligning economic viability with energy efficiency. more

Photo above: Luther Design
Photo below: BMUB

COP23 is also about Passive House

The world climate conference in Bonn is an internationally recognised event; after all, it is about global climate protection. The UN has expressly mentioned Passive House buildings as a way to achieve significant energy savings in the building sector. The Passive House Institute from Darmstadt is also on the ground at the COP23 in Bonn. In addition, a delegation will be visiting a new Passive House student residence during the conference. As part of the Passive House Open Days, taking place at the same time as the climate conference, the opportunity to visit the student residence in Bonn will also be open to interested members of the public. more

Photo above: Carmen Delgado Photo below: Andrew Michler

It's definitely worth it!

Passive House buildings are particularly efficient buildings and are always a theme in any discussion relating to energy efficiency. What this building standard specifically entails can be experienced first-hand by everyone during the International Passive House Open Days in November. How low are the heating costs in a Passive House? And what does better living comfort feel like? From 10 - 12 November 2017, residents of Passive House buildings throughout the world will open their doors to the public. A list of buildings that are open for viewing can be found on the Internet. more

Photos: Passive House Institute

Police set examle for climate protection

With the completion of the new police administrative building, the German state of Hesse has shown how energy efficient construction works. The administrative building in Baunatal in northern Hesse contributes significantly to a reduction in the energy consumption of government buildings in the province of Hesse and thus promotes climate protection. This is one of the numerous outcomes of the monitoring carried out by the Passive House Institute on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Affairs in Hesse. more

Photo above: Michael Heinrich Photo below: Herz & Lang

Affordable and energy efficient!

In view of the international climate objectives, providing both affordable and energy efficient living space has become a challenging task for cities and communities. Solutions for solving this dilemma will be discussed at the 22nd International Passive House Conference which will take place on 9 and 10 March 2018 in Munich. "Passive House – it's worth it!" is the motto of this year's Conference, which will be introducing many low-cost projects relating to energy efficient construction to the Passive House Standard. The Call for Papers has begun. more

Photos: Passive House Austria

"You just have to use your head"

Changing habits requires us to think, and it isn't easy. That's what the participants of the 21st International Passive House Conference in Vienna were challenged with during the opening plenary. Breaking old habits and sharing resources fairly is necessary in order to reduce climate change to a tolerable level, as renowned climate researcher Helga Kromp-Kolb explained. "We have to manage with just this planet", pointed out Professor Dr. Wolfgang Feist, Director of the Passive House Institute. Over 1000 participants from more than 50 countries travelled to Vienna in order to exchange information relating to energy efficient construction and learn more about international Passive House projects. more

Photo above: Passivhaus Austria
Photo below: Markus Kaiser

Polar bear lands a hand to climate protection

At present people passing by the Messe Wien Congress Center in Vienna can see for themselves how important energy efficient buildings are for climate protection. The Passive House Institute, together with the Passivhaus Austria network, GLOBAL 2000 as well as the campaign MOTHER EARTH, has built two different mini houses for the ice block competition, a mini Passive House and a conventional mini house. A 250 kilo block of ice has been placed in each mini house. The question is, how much ice exactly will still remain in both houses after six weeks. Estimates can be submitted online. more

Photo above: PHI
Photo below: Mathieu Frelet

"Of course we open the windows!"

Wolfgang Erichson has been living in the Bahnstadt district of Heidelberg for three years and is very happy with his new place of residence. "It was pleasantly warm even on cold winter days," says Erichson. On the fire station premises the city administration presented its energy monitoring results together with the Passive House Institute. The two most important outcomes: the consumption of heating energy in the Bahnstadt district was extremely low. Simultaneously, the total energy consumption was only a third of that of conventional housing complexes. more

Photo above: New York, M. Onder
Photo below: Bilbao, G. Velázquez

Aiming high

When it was inaugurated four years ago, the Raiffeisen Tower in Vienna was the first high-rise building in the world built to the Passive House Standard. Four years later, great progress has been made. This summer, in New York, around 350 students will move into a 26-storey dormitory, being built to the Passive House Standard. The structure of the 88 metre tall Passive House building "Bolueta" in Bilbao, Spain, will be completed within a few weeks. The architects of both these buildings will attend the 21st International Passive House Conference in April in Vienna to report on their exciting projects. more


Vienna presents energy efficient construction

ʻPassive House for allʼ is the theme for the 21st International Passive House Conference in Vienna. It's all about energy efficient construction now and in the future. Vienna has committed itself to the Passive House Standard for many years, whether for kindergartens, student dorms, apartment buildings or offices. The conference programme will be rounded off with numerous workshops and excursions. The Passive House Conference takes place on 28 and 29 April 2017 at the Messe Wien Congress Center. more


Pioneer project upgraded to Passive House Plus

The world's first Passive House building has increased its already high energy efficiency level and now relies on renewable energy. About a year ago, a photovoltaic system was installed on the roof of a row house built in 1991 in Darmstadt. Since then, this pioneering Passive House project has been producing its own electricity, thus fulfilling the criteria of a Passive House Plus building. The official certificate was recently issued. more


Step-by-step towards EnerPHit

Many home and building owners carry out renovations in a step-by-step manner. To avoid unnecessary additional costs, all planned measures for energy retrofits should be coordinated with each other before the first step is implemented. For this advanced planning, the EnerPHit Retrofit Plan has recently been developed by the Passive House Institute. more

Photos: Klinikum Frankfurt Höchst

Operation Passive House Clinic

Rubber boots and spades stood ready for a special premiere: Work has started on the world's first Passive House hospital in the Höchst district of Frankfurt. The previous clinic will be replaced by a new Passive House building with ten operating theatres and 666 beds planned over six floors. The Passive House Institute has provided comprehensive support throughout the planning phase and will continue to do so during the building's construction. more

Photo above: H.Dimko
Photo below: Schöberl & Pöll

From kindergartens to retirement homes

The Passive House Institute is looking forward to Vienna where the 21st International Passive House Conference will be taking place next year. The date and venue for the Conference have now been confirmed: experts in energy efficient construction will convene at the Messe Wien Congress Centre on the 28th and 29th April 2017. The theme for the 21st Conference will be "Passive House for all". The Call for Papers has begun. // more

News in brief

Smiling faces in Aberdeen

The new Rocking Horse Nursery of the Scottish University of Aberdeen brings many happy faces to the children and their teachers. They attribute this as much to the comfortable indoor climate as to the constantly available fresh air. The nursery is the first building in Aberdeen built to the Passive House Standard. The Director of the Passive House Institute, Dr. Wolfgang Feist, recently presented the certificate to the developers and their team.

From both the outside and inside, the single-storey nursery is a real eyecatcher with its wooden facade. Winters with long nights are common in Aberdeen. "The Passive House concept is the best solution for this situation", says Dr. Wolfgang Feist.
Photos: Graeme MacDonald

Press releases

Passive House Institute joins NAPHN in New York for annual conference

New York has become a hotspot for Passive House. And the city now wants to make their buildings among the most efficient in the country. This is the backdrop against which the North American Passive House Network is hosting their conference on decarbonizing the built environment. The Passive House Institute and the International Passive House Association (iPHA) join the conference in New York City as partners. Credit: Kilograph, Weiss/Manfredi und Handel Architects. more

Passive House Days


Passive House Conference presents solutions for buildings of the future

The Passive House Standard combines maximum efficiency with optimal comfort. How this works, was demonstrated by experts from all over the world on 22 and 23 April during the International Passive House Conference in Darmstadt. This event also marked an anniversary: 25 years ago, the world's first Passive House building was built just a few kilometres away from the congress centre – and a brand new study, presented at the Conference, proves the sustainability of the concept. more

Passive House Days


New database provides overview of Passive House components

Whether just browsing or to find a specific product – a new online database provides a detailed overview of components for Passive House construction. All
of the products, which have been independently tested and certified by the Passive House Institute with reference to their energy-relevant qualities, are listed together with relevant technical information; triple-glazed windows and ventilation systems with heat recovery as well as insulation systems and balcony connections, to name a few. more

Passive House Days


"Active for more comfort" - Passive House brochure as online flipbook

How does a Passive House work? Which requirements exist with regard to components, planning, design, and project implementation? What is it like to live in a Passive House, what has already been built, and why are Passive Houses such an attractive investment? In order to competently answer such questions, the International Passive House Association (iPHA) has created the informational brochure "Active for more comfort". A new edition of this brochure is now available as an online flipbook.

Passive House Days


Passive House Institute launches e-learning program

With a tablet at home or with a smartphone during the daily commute – a new e-learning program is making basic Passive House training more comfortable than ever before. The video-based online modules are equally suitable as an introduction for laypersons and as preparatory material for courses aimed at certification as a Passive House Designer or Consultant. The individual chapters deal with general questions as well as with specific examples of planning for building services systems and the building envelope. more

Passive House Days


Designing sustainable buildings made fun: PHPP 9 now available

The tried and tested PHPP tool for designing energy efficient buildings is available in a brand-new version. This upgrade not only allows reliable calculation of the energy demand in accordance with internationally applicable criteria. It takes into account energy generation on or near the building as well. The new features also include innovative options, for example for heat recovery from shower water or for profitability calculations. The practical use of the tool is facilitated by means of automatic verification and plausibility checks. more

Passive House Days


Component Award for exemplary ventilation concepts for retrofits

The winners of the Component Award 2016 for ventilation solutions in residential buildings have been selected. The first prize goes to a concept by the Austrian manufacturer Pichler. A joint second prize will be granted to Vaventis and Michael Tribus Architecture. The approaches for building retrofits selected by a jury are not only characterised by a high level of energy efficiency, but also by their economic viability. The presentation of the Award took place at the 20th International Passive House Conference. more

Passive House Days


New Passive House office building in Frankfurt now certified

Curved façades, but a straightforward energy concept: a new office building in Frankfurt, Germany, clearly shows the potential of sustainable building design, with an architectural style that is not only elegant but also intelligent. The result is a 90 percent reduced heating demand and perceptibly increased comfort due to high indoor air quality. The building thus meets with the criteria for the Passive House Standard. Details were discussed during excursions as part of the International Passive House Conference 2016. more

Passive House Days


World's first Passive House Premium now certified

One of the world's most sustainable buildings stands in Bavaria: as the first of its kind, a mixed residential and commercial project in the town of Kaufbeuren has met the criteria for a Passive House Premium certification. With a heating demand of only 8 kWh/m²a, it is uniquely energy efficient. At the same time, a 250 m² photovoltaic system on the roof produces renewable energy. The doors of this new building were open to the public on 14 and 15 November within the framework of the international Passive House Days 2015. more

Passive House Days


World's largest building retrofitted to EnerPHit Standard now certified

A completely modernized university building in Innsbruck, Austria demonstrates the energy saving potential available with refurbishments. Through integrated planning, the heating demand of the building was reduced from 180 kWh/m²a to just 21 kWh/m²a. The project thus meets the criteria of the EnerPHit Standard for retrofits with Passive House components – this standard, introduced by the Passive House Institute, is specially tailored to the particularities of retrofit projects. The certificate was presented at the official reopening. more

Passive House Days


New study shows cost saving potential for indoor swimming pools

Passive House efficiency is a model for the future also for indoor swimming pools. This is demonstrated in a new report on the energy consumption in the "Bambados" in Germany. The running costs for this leisure pool are far below average. The concept is thus successfully providing an opportunity for financial savings, especially relevant for municipalities with limited budgets. The full report is now available online (in German). Further details were presented at the International Passive House Conference in 2016 in Darmstadt. more

Passive House Days


Monitoring confirms energy efficiency of Passive House city district

The Passive House district of Bahnstadt in Heidelberg (Germany) has passed the test: according to a report on recent measurements, the values being strived for in relation to energy efficiency were met in full. In 2014, the average consumption of 1260 housing units with a living area of more than 75 000 m² was 14.9 kWh/(m²a). The statistically high number of projects built by different property developers and architects convincingly shows that a successful large- scale implementation of the Passive House Standard is possible. more

Passive House Days


New architecture book presents "Passive House Award" winners

A new book showcasing the winners and finalists of the international "Passive House Award" shows that energy efficient construction is not only profitable, it is also an enrichment for architecture. The book is available in a bound version and in digital form as an online flipbook. All of the award-winning buildings are presented with many photographs and illustrations. Technical details which are relevant for the energy balance are also explained in detail. In addition to the book, there is a poster exhibition on the Award. more

Passive House Days


First multi-unit residential building certified to Passive House Plus

The combination of energy efficiency and renewables is the future-proof solution for all buildings, including multi-storey projects – this is demonstrated with a new build in Innsbruck, Austria: the apartment complex is the first of its kind to be certified as a Passive House Plus building. This concept is not just based on a theoretical annual energy balance, which is misleading in practice; instead, the actual amount of regionally and seasonally available renewable energy is taken into account. more

Passive House Days


New designPH takes Passive House planning to a whole new level

Passive House planning has never been more convenient. The new designPH, a 3D model interface developed by the Passive House Institute, allows for graphic input of energy related design data. Details relating to the thermal building envelope and shading are entered automatically and can be optimised if necessary. The treated floor area can be gradually refined in order to simplify the design process. The results can be exported into the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) with just a few clicks. more / order now

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PHPP Expert
Passive House Designer / Consultant
Construction Verifier
Site Supervisor
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iPHA Webinar Electrify Responsibly with Passive House" | November 6, 2024
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Passive House Open Days |
7 - 9 November 2025

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Component Database

Passive House
Component Database
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New developments

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NEW: PHPP 10 (2021)
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Seals for Certified Passive House Components
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Passive House Classes,
Classic, Plus, Premium
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EnerPHit -
PHI certification for retrofits
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Wall plaque
for certified Passive Houses
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Press releases

Latest press releases

Research & Literature

Passive Houses for different climate zones

Retrofits with Passive House components -
EnerPHit Planner Handbook
(in German)


Passive House Retail Stores now out
Overview of contents
(in German)

PHI Literature

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